Made a companion note app for RescueTime using AI

Hi I’m a long user of RescueTime, a pain point I have the auto tracker can only record app usage, unless manually categorize them I can’t got much insights directly from them.

What I want is a report of time I spend on each things with enough details I did rather than each app I used. So I made a automatic note app that accept audio narration into auto categorized time diary, like this:


Because it’s a note, other than recording time, I can also use it to schedule my day (with AI):

It’s still a beta app, but I’m curious if you also have similar pain points, please access to register a wait list, thanks!

P.S. RescueTime team if you’re interested in adding such function to your app, we can discuss (mail


I just found out about your RescueTime companion app, and I think it’s awesome! I love it! It’s a great idea, and I can’t wait to start using it.