The New RescueTime (vs. RescueTime Classic)

The app is so distracting, I don’t even know where to start.
The UX asking me to go to social media and tweet random quotes is a great example
Useless Spotify recommendation at the beginning, no way to disable it.
The app could be so much better but it just works against me and I have little motivation to use it for anything other than the reports of how I spent my time.

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Hi @florian_kluge, thanks so much for this feedback! Our intention is quite the opposite so your feedback is very helpful. I’ll discuss this with our marketing team.

Quick question.

The app is showing most of the apps and websites I spend time in from my PC. However, I have the app opened on my android phone as well and its not showing the time I spend on apps like Google Keep, videogames, news websites, etc.

Are there some settings I must activate so it also tracks the time spend on my phone? Also, the app does a good job at blocking the websites I label as distracting on the PC, however on the phone it does not block those sites and apps. Does the blocking of distractions only work on the PC ??

Thanks in advance,

I like the new one more than the classical. simply and sincere compliment. I am now back for using the new.


Hi @andres_ibanez! That depends on the Android version that you’re using. There are currently two Android versions on the Google Play Store. Android Version does track apps, not websites due to Android’s restrictions. You just need to enable “Track Apps” on the Android app.

Currently there is no app blocking for both versions. However, there is a DND option.

I was so confused when a friend started using RT after I recommended it and her interface and reports were so much different than mine!

I have had a paid account with RT for years, and I use it for tracking my time for clients and have recommended it far and wide, but I have had frustrating issues for months now that force me to consider other alternatives. The tracking of time in my browser doesn’t work at all unless I tell the browser that I’m not running RT on my computer, but I am, and RT tracks the time for programs like Word even when they are in the background and not actively being used. I’ve inquired several times about how to solve this problem, and I’ve had a similar problem in the past that went away after reinstalling RT or something, but this time I haven’t gotten any good advice about how to solve the problem and I can’t just keep approximating the time I bill clients for because RT says I spent 4 hours in Word when I know that I actually spent half that time on Facebook. :slight_smile:

It sounds to me like what I want is the classic version, but I think that’s what I still have… Maybe?

Hi @ellen.glebe, thanks for recommending us to your friends! We are so grateful! I believe I found your account so I’ll be reaching out to you personally to find out what’s going on here.