The beginning of this year seems like a good time for a bit of a history review and a going-forward update on RescueTime’s product road map.
RescueTime became first known for its high-res stats on digital life, and for distraction management based on that data. Some users found the most value in time analysis and reporting, some in our focus tools (originally FocusTime, now Focus Sessions). We did lots of user interviews– interest was always pretty split, but we found that among our paying users, the focus tools stood as highlight feature for early conversion and retention.
Running a business like this profitably and giving our investors something to look forward to has always been a challenge, particularly since we don’t market our user data to others, anonymized or not. In our pursuit of a sustainable model, what was called publicly “new RescueTime” versus what we started to call “RescueTime Classic”, we attempted an informed reboot zeroing in on the focus aspect. We hoped to find our way into healthy digital life habits and wellness oriented work space by adding value all around the idea of focus sessions. The update brought brain clearing warmups, focus soundtracks and app blocking added to the existing site blocking, and focus zone prediction with an awareness of your calendar’s affect on your week.
Around the same time, Covid hit, pushing most people to work from home environments. We experienced an initial surge of growth, with the real business signals hard to separate out due to the unique business conditions. As time went on, we came to terms with the focus oriented app being something people might use episodically, or to solve an initial problem, but didn’t have the right feature set to hold users as longer term customers– and the product path to find the features that would do this was pretty complex, and not guaranteed. Inbound users had been sent to this version of the app.
Meanwhile, most historical users remained on the reporting rich version of the app. Users in both modes want capabilities available in the other, when some capabilities were segregated due to UX compatibility or “keep it simple” reasons. Ultimately, it seems the truth is as usual somewhere in between, as our initial research told us: some users are more analytics oriented, some more focus oriented, and some are exactly in the middle. People want the full feature set, but all the features needed to make sense and be coherent together.
So we have embarked on the path of unifying and rationalizing across all the features and design patterns that can come together to achieve that goal: a great focus tool that provides ongoing value by providing analysis and goal setting around historical time detail, and that can leverage that detail to deliver super accurate timesheets and forecasting, and expand from the individual to the team.
We learned a lot from our periods on both sides of that product building effort, and that it was possible to distill the best lessons of both into an evolved product. And this would be the platform for truly new features, that are orthogonal to but enriched by our foundation, Timesheets in this case.
Our resource limitations have meant that this evolution is gradual and includes some hiccups on the way, but the results are realized in many parts of the system, and end goals are in sight.
We want to:
- Deliver the best focus tool on the market using our deep domain experience.
- Provide invaluable analytics, insight, and foresight for your digital life.
- Bring accuracy and automation to teams and individuals tracking projects and tasks.
- And… next: provide teams and users collaboration and automation for planning out efforts in the time in front of them, instead of behind.
As we continue to advance RescueTime, your feedback from among our community of users is invaluable. Your real life experiences and insights inspire us to continue to innovate a tool that truly meets your needs. What new features or improvements to existing ones would you like to see that could make RescueTime more helpful in optimizing your digital life? Help us align our tools, advice and analysis to best match your workflow, productivity and life balance needs.
We also ask for your patience as our small team works diligently to bring this vision to life. Building a tool that successfully balances analytics and focus, while integrating new capabilities, is no small feat. With your input and support, we are confident in creating an unmatched solution.
Thank you for participating in our community, for sticking with us, and for sharing your experiences with us and your colleagues and friends. We’re excited about what the future holds and look forward to the challenges and adventures ahead with our community.