"Start of day" option

I have non-ordinary activity period, for example, it might be from 5pm to 3am.
In ActivityWatch there is option “Start of day”, which I set to 7am, thereby day activity is counted correctly from 5pm to 3am.
But in RescueTime I didn’t find such option, thus my activity is divided into two days: before 12am and after.
Maybe there is some workaround for this?
Without this option, RescueTime becomes unusable for me.

Hi @mike.sherstennikov! This is definitely something we’ve been discussing and plan to improve. For now there isn’t a workaround. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience here.

Hi @Ciao! Are there any updates on this issue?

Hi @mike.sherstennikov, sorry for the delay. As of now, we don’t have any updates. I’m going to bring this up at our next CS meeting, which is coming up soon, and see if I can get you an update. Thanks for your patience.