Being able to display some of your current metrics in 3rd party tools like Momentum Dashboard (They’ve had it on their feature request list as well) Even if it’s not a direct connection between these two apps, the ability to pull individual datapoints using the API would be cool.)
One straightforward request here Instead of only having preset values by the hour for the Daily Focus Goal in RTX, could they be more granular?
Use case: Right now my goal is 2 hours, but as I get better at focusing and single-tasking I would like to gradually increase it. However, increasing my goal by 50% from 2 hours to 3 hours seems like too large of a jump. I expect that I would frequently fail to reach 3 hours and feel demotivated because of it. I’d rather be able to set my focus time to 2 hrs 30 mins, for example.
Thanks for everything that you all do!
Resizable Assistant window.
More categories/tags for types of apps. Right now there is persona, focus work and other work. I’d like a way for content to be more call out production as well. For example, Design production for Photoshop, Illustrator, etc…
It’d be great to see how much time I spend on design/production, meetings, emails/communication, QA, etc…
I would love to have an ‘allowlist’ for blocked websites. As a tech writer working with a streaming service, I often have to look at the website to write about features, but it ends up getting recognized as a personal website (which does make sense)!
I’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but I can’t seem to turn off the desktop notification sounds for RTX. I didn’t find any RescueTime settings regarding that, and I’ve turned off all of the settings in Windows that I can think of. I like the notifications, but don’t want the sounds. Is this something I can fix myself, or a bug?
Images of my current desktop notification settings attached - one is for all notifications, and one is specifically to control RescueTime.
Hi @sam! This is not a bug actually. Right now there isn’t a way to turn off all the sounds. This is definitely a feature request. Thanks for your feedback!
I would like to be able to enter in specific work goals for focus sessions (e.g., finish outlining Introduction, complete coding analysis for X"). Linking focus sessions to specific acitivities or goals in Rescuetime would help make the focus sessions and what I want to do during them even more concrete
The ability to classify parts of a site as work related - youtube for instance, I watch a TON of content that is related to my work - but I ONLY want that to be allowed, and to choose it on a case by case basis.
Allow me to say “this single page is work related” but going to the homepage wouldn’t be
Would love the Spotify play during a focus session stop once I’m done with the session, or to at least have that as an option. That helps signal to me that it’s time to take a break
I’d like to see any easy way to identify “vacation” or other “off work” days. Perhaps this could be done through calendar integrations.
Hi @mr.thomas.scott, you can do this by going to your Activities page > hover over YouTube under Personal Activities > Click the “More Details” link > you should be the sub-activities for YouTube. Hover over the activity you want to rank or score as Focus Work or Other Work. We share more details about the Activities page here.
Hey @sam, this is in the works!
Hi, is there a way to not show the countdown timer on the menu bar? It is very distracting imo, the previous version before this was so much better…
You can’t connect to a Hosted Microsoft Exchange Calender (private cloud) on Mac. Considering the agent and Outlook are on the same computer, you can access Apple Calendar, which can be made to sync with Exchange, which would update Outlook.
Still no Dark Mode that makes using RT hard at night.
Not sure if there’s already a way to do this, but it would be great to be able to assign focus sessions/work hours to specific projects/clients so that RescueTime could work as a focus tool AND a detailed time tracker for billable hours.
I would like to be able to block an entire chrome profile during focus time. I have personal and school profiles that I use in two different browsers. The problem is I will get distracted by my other browser doing personal email and calendar things. While these usually work tasks, the ones on my personal browser need to be blocked.
I also would love to see a pop-out timer on the screen for focus sessions. I auto-hide my taskbar so I don’t see the countdown usually.
And here I am getting distracted by the rescue time settings
I would like to have the option to remove seconds from the Mac, like some other apps do.
Constantly changing seconds are distracting me, so I have to hide the rescueTime icon
First, sorry for the long post but I didn’t find any other place to put it.
I would like to thank the whole team for the excellent work and want to stress that I fully support the transition to the new RescueTime (RT) approach!
Despite being a new user (I tried RT 10 years ago but was forced out of it by my employers due to security reasons), I genuinely enjoy the tool and see a lot of potential.
Also, I took a quick look at the “old” dashboards and appreciated the improvement in terms of clarity and usability of the information.
In that context, after a couple of weeks of use, I’d like to share some structured comments and feedback on the app.
Assistant (Windows)
It shouldn’t show up so conspicuously at the start (stay reduced!)
I must click to reduce every day, it’s very annoying -
The whole window should behave like what MSFT did for OneDrive (or also Evernote): show up when clicking on it, disappear when clicking elsewhere but with the possibility to keep it opened if wanted
Based on the screens/videos, it seems different (less conspicuous) on Macs
The top menu is counter-intuitive
The “Cross” links to the “overview” => makes sense but not super clear
However, the Overview comes back in 3rd position. Why? The Overview should always be on the left!
Reco: merge Overview with the “Cross” and make it clear that it all starts there
The other options (activities, meetings, goals) could then follow but make it clearer that they are “sub-menus” to the “overview”
However, the Analytics screen is quite a different thing and should appear as such
In other words, a better top menu should be alike
Focus Work (or Core Activities, cf. comment below)
Focused Session
UserName with all settings, etc. (should stay at the far right)
Data are presented based on a “time window” (a period of 1 week/month or a specific day)
This is indicated on the right of the screen, which is not obvious
Reco: bring it much more clearly to the attention of the user
Given that data displayed are based on a time-window, the selection of this day/period is particularly important
However, the “date menu” on the right provides a limited list of choices
Last 7 days
Last 30 days
We should have the possibility to pick (from whatever screen) a specific day/period
Now, this is only feasible from the “Analytics” screen. Is that due to some technical constraint?
Example of use case: I’m doing such analyses during the WE (2x per month), so it took me time to understand that I had to go to the “Analytics” screen to select a specific day in the past
Reco: Allow the selection of reporting dates in all menus
More fundamentally, I think that using the word “Focus” for both “Focus Work Activities” and “Focus Sessions” is confusing
I understand that “Focus Work Activities” are based on apps & sites being used. Some are “core” to a given person’s work while others are “complementary”
However, you can have 5 different “core” apps opened at the same time and not be focused…
Reco: rename “Focus Work Activities” as “Core Work Activities” (or something akin) and keep the label “Focus” only for the sessions
Such renaming would be a better reflection of reality
Focused time would be only used when being “really committed” to a single task (in a focus session)
We would report on time spent on “core” tasks. This time might not be really spent in a “focused” manner, except when we have an effective overlap with a focus session (which could be reported by the way)
The use of space in meetings and goals screen should be optimized
The banner with the library of lessons should be much smaller (this looks like a big advert, a bit annoying)
I don’t get what the value of the “meetings” screen is (in its current form) as it’s merely a total of hours out of context
Mobile (iOS)
Different interface, measures & reports than Web/Assistant (I know this is being addressed but could be better communicated somehow)
More importantly, the time spent on the mobile doesn’t seem integrated in the total when I go on the Web
Opt-in to beta features
I’m considering activating the “Opt-in to beta features” but am reluctant due to the lack of clarity of what would be the consequences.
Would that impact the tracking of time, just the reporting/interface or both? Having more visibility on the roadmap would be great.
Many thanks again!